Sponsor Spotlight: How Do You Spell ‘Partner”?

Partnership. Noun. The state of being a partner.   P-A-R-T-N-E-R-S-H-I-P

Pictured Left to Right: David Schneider (Chief Executive Officer of Fairfield County Bank), Theresa Santoro, (RVNA President and CEO), Alice Meenan (RVNAhealth former Director of Donor Relations), Daniel Berta (President of Fairfield County Bank)

If you attended the recent RVNAhealth Spelling Bee, you would have noted that Fairfield County Bank was the title sponsor of this annual fundraising event, responsible in large part for bringing the Bee to life since 2012 and for giving RVNAhealth another fun and friendly way to draw community attention and support to our organization.

Which well defines the nature of Fairfield County Bank and their partnership with RVNAhealth – it’s a relationship that has spanned decades; is philanthropic and collegial; and does much more than support RVNAhealth financially, it also encourages us to build and thrive on our own with their support at the foundation.

As Theresa Santoro, RVNAhealth President & CEO explains, “RVNA’s growth and innovation have been due, in no small part, to the support received throughout the years from Fairfield County Bank, its employees, and its board members. From banking, insurance, and investments to guidance, advice, and support across countless volunteer hours, the impact Fairfield County Bank has had on RVNAhealth has been immeasurable. They are a sponsor, a partner, a mentor, a friend … and we are very appreciative and happy customers.”

Founded in 1871, Fairfield County Bank is a cornerstone in the communities it calls home. It has grown and expanded in its business sector while remaining true to its roots as a community-minded business with a passion for philanthropy. Each year, they invest about $1 million into 330 nonprofits and lend over 4,000 hours of time and expertise. Fairfield County Bank corporate leadership, employees, and even the spouses of employees are all engaged in its philanthropic efforts.

Fairfield County Bank has been an RVNAhealth partner for two decades. Members of the Fairfield County Bank community serve on our Board of Directors, Board Committees, and Event Committees. They were awarded RVNAhealth’s Community Partnership Award in 2012; were significant contributors to our campaign to build the Center for Exceptional Care; and, as a pioneering member of our Governor’s Society, Fairfield County Bank continues to support not only the Spelling Bee but also the Autumn Dinner and Spring Breakfast.

Throughout the relationship, Fairfield County Bank and RVNAhealth have worked in parallel, sharing mutual respect, similar values, and a similar history. “We are extremely proud to say that Fairfield County Bank has been supporting RVNAhealth, a local non-profit whose roots started in Ridgefield just like our own, for more than 20 years,” said Dan Berta, President of Fairfield County Bank. “The home healthcare their dedicated employees provide is admirable while the community wellness services they offer are of incredible value to our community members. We are pleased to contribute to an organization whose services make a profound difference. Watching RVNAhealth grow over the years and extend their services to 28 towns while increasing the number of residents and businesses they help is beyond rewarding.”

And while, among the two, RVNAhealth is the organization dedicated to helping individuals age with dignity and independence, Fairfield County Bank is the perfect example of how to grow and evolve gracefully as a business. “We’ve been very fortunate to closely observe Fairfield County Bank as a role model and leader in their own history and growth in the banking industry,” says Theresa Santoro, President and CEO of RVNAhealth. “In doing so, we’ve set our own course of growth in health care.”

How do we spell partnership? Fairfield County Bank.

Interested in learning more about RVNAhealth’s Governor Society? Please contact Mary Jean Heller, Director of Philanthropy, at mjheller@rvnahealth.org or 203.438.5555 ext. 1028.

2018–2019 Annual Appeal

December 2018

Dear Friends,

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, known as ALS or Lou Gehrig’s Disease, is a progressive, neurodegenerative disease that is 100% fatal. More than 5,000 people are diagnosed with ALS every year. The average life expectancy is 2-5 years, but some live longer. There is no cure.

RVNA is caring for a growing number of patients with neuromuscular disorders, including ALS. In fact, over the last six months, we have cared for six ALS patients. One of these patients, a beloved wife and mother of two, passed away in April after receiving our services for two and a half years.

Ann was diagnosed with bulbar onset ALS in April 2014, a form of ALS that first affects speech and swallowing, before spreading to other parts of the body. She was a young and vibrant woman, a human welcome wagon in her community. She was a voracious reader and lover of books, librarian, teacher, coach and fabulous cook. She was an active member in her church and sang in the choir. She was an outstanding athlete — a force to be reckoned with on the golf course and tennis courts, the slopes and the ice. She played competitive ice hockey until muscle weakness and atrophy made it too difficult to skate. Her disease was managed for a year and a half, before frequent choking and trips to the ER necessitated a tracheostomy. Her life then changed forever.

It takes a village to care for someone with ALS. For Ann, RVNA was this village. Weakness, immobility and a feeding tube required round-the-clock care. She received this from her loving family and routine visits from her RVNA nurse, occupational therapist, speech therapist and physical therapist. As she struggled with the complications of this progressive disease, our clinical team made it possible for Ann to remain living safely in the comforts of home, alongside her family, the only place she wanted to be.

Each and every day, RVNA is in the homes of people in your community, caring for many diverse medical needs, thanks to you. RVNA now provides home healthcare to more than 1,600 patients annually, 60% more patients than five years ago. We need your continued help to pay for programs and services which are not covered or reimbursed by private insurance, Medicare or Medicaid. Your contributions also help to keep our nurses and therapists trained and certified in the latest medical skills and caregiving techniques, so that patients like Ann can receive the specialized care they need.

It was RVNA’s privilege to care for Ann — to protect her independence and honor her desire to live out her days with dignity at home. For Ann, RVNA gave her the best quality of life possible. We are here to do the same for you and your loved ones.

Ann never gave up on life and her effort to live. She fought to the very end. Together, we can help more patients live through the challenges of degenerative disease, sustain those living with chronic illness, and care for those acutely ill or recovering from surgery — from birth to end-of-life.

RVNA meets you wherever you are in life, whatever your healthcare needs might be. Please consider a gift to RVNA today.

With gratitude,

Theresa Santoro, MSN, RN, CHCA
President and CEO

P.S. A gift match from your employer will make your gift go twice as far. Check here to find out if your company has a matching gift program.  Please be as generous as your means allow.

Eating to Sleep

RVNAhealth nutrition programs

Are You as Tired as We Are?!

The old concept that you can’t catch up on lost sleep is a dismaying one, particularly if you’re already a few months – or years! – behind.  Fortunately, time and attention can help reverse the course and side effects of sleep deprivation. Which is a good thing because sleep deprivation can lead to chronic weight issues, fatigue, brain fog, chronic pain, trouble fighting off illnesses, depression, anxiety and more. Not to mention dark circles and crabbiness.

Meg Whitbeck, MS, RDN, RVNA’s nutrition educator and registered dietitian has two young sons, ages 4 and 7, and – like many of us – has had her share of sleepless nights. Our question to Meg:  Can we eat our way to better sleep?

“Yes!” says Whitbeck. “Of course, diet alone won’t get you on a regular cycle of seven to nine hours of sleep per night, which is what you need to do to get your circadian rhythms back on track,” she adds, “but there are definitely dietary dos and don’ts that will help you along the way.”

Here are a few suggestions:

  • Eat Well: There’s no way around it. Nutritious meals rich in fruits, veggies, whole grains and lean protein support good sleep. Feed your body what it needs and it will respond in kind.
  • Timing:  Digestion takes a back seat when we sleep, so be sure to give yourself at least two hours from your last main meal before hitting the hay. Going to bed with a full stomach can lead to acid reflux (heartburn) and subsequent tossing and turning.
  • Relax with a warm drink: Sipping on a beverage like herbal tea helps us relax and tames tension, which encourages a peaceful rest. Our body can fall asleep more readily when we are warm and cozy. Wouldn’t you agree?
  • Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol: Both disturb sleep cycles, so skip alcohol and late-day caffeine if you need a good night’s sleep. If a cocktail or glass of wine is on the agenda for your nightly social activities, abstain from alcohol for 2 hours before going to sleep to allow your body to process out some of that ethanol.
  • Sweet Dreams, just not sweet desserts:  If we have sweets before bed, we can literally jolt ourselves awake with a sugar rush, compromising our ability to fall and stay asleep. Avoid sweets in the evening and you will notice that your sleep quality improves.
  • Try a Supplement: Several supplements available on the market offer improved quality sleep. The top two are L-theanine, an amino acid, and the hormone melatonin. L-theanine, when taken in doses of about 200mg, provides a calming effect to most users. L-theanine is often suggested to reduce anxiety and promote more restful sleep. Melatonin is a hormone that our bodies make. It helps to regulate our circadian rhythms and help our bodies differentiate between day and night. It is by far and wide the most popular “sleep” supplement available. Melatonin can also be found in many foods, with grains, legumes, nuts, seeds and mushrooms topping the list. The thing is, there is no way to be sure that the melatonin that we take via supplement or are exposed to in our food actually gets absorbed into our bodies. The only way to know if it helps you? Try it. Please note that melatonin interacts with several medications, including blood pressure medications – so check with your doctor before you start taking it!

Meet Mary Frangus, Physical Therapist

At a young age, Physical Therapist Mary Frangus, MSPT, witnessed first-hand the importance of physical therapy. It gave her a deep understanding of what really matters to patients. A goal of getting back to the life you love. Safely and confidently. And Mary strives to do just that with a multi-tiered approach to understanding the whole patient. Meet Mary.

Where did you grow up and where do you live now?
I was born and raised in NJ and moved to CT in my early 20s. I went to grad school in CT and have been here ever since. I currently live in Monroe with my husband and our two children.

How long have you been at RVNA?
I have been with RVNAhealth for about 2.5 years as an in-home physical therapist.

What brought you here?
I had worked in a skilled nursing facility for over 25 years and was looking for a change. I very much enjoyed the patients I met and worked with in the skilled nursing facility, but wanted to have a greater sense of what barriers and limitations they might face upon return home.

Describe your role at RVNA.
My role as an RVNAhealth in-home physical therapist gives me the ability to address the issues I described above first-hand for a safer environment and long-term success at home.

What is your favorite part of your job?
In high school, I had knee surgery, requiring physical therapy. This was my first introduction to the profession. My PT helped me return to being an active teenager, and I was so grateful to her. I wanted to be able to help people like she did for me. As I focused on my career path, I found helping folks get back to living, in their own homes, was the most fulfilling.

Did you ever consider becoming a nurse?
I always knew from a very young age that I would choose a career that allowed me to help people.

What do you love to do when you’re not working?
I enjoy the outdoors, hiking, and working in our yard/gardens. I also enjoy reading when I find a moment to sit still. As much as I love being home, I like to travel and would plan more adventures if time and funds allowed.

What would you do if you won the lottery?
I would take the opportunity to travel and increase my opportunities to get together with extended family.

Do you have any favorite RVNAhealth moments or stories?
The moments that I find the most fulfilling and enjoyable are when I am collaborating with other RVNA disciplines (like skilled nursing, occupational and speech therapy) to provide cohesive care for our patients. Problem-solving to help a complex patient situation is always something that makes me enjoy the people I work with and the agency I provide care for each day.

My sense of purpose as ‘a helper’ was recently renewed when I performed the Heimlich maneuver on a stranger who was choking in a parking lot. She was needing help and I am so grateful that I happened to be there in her moment of need. I now look forward to seeing her smiling face in that same parking lot, as our paths cross again time after time.

What’s your hidden talent?
I asked my kids (the experts) and was told that I could make a quiche with my eyes closed. That’s their breakfast of choice.

What are you going to be for Halloween?
A soccer Mom. No costume needed. 🙂

HomeCare by RVNA Job Fair and Open House

HomeCare by RVNA is hosting a Job Fair and Open House on Thursday, November 15 and Friday, November 16 from 8:30am – 7:00pm at RVNA.  All Certified Nursing Assistants and Home Health Aides are invited to stop by, learn about RVNA, complete an application, and meet our team.

HomeCare by RVNA is the agency’s non-medical service line, offering live-in and hourly caregivers to help clients with household tasks and personal care.  As HomeCare by RVNA grows, our need for excellent and committed caregivers grows as well.

If you are a reliable, motivated, and interested CNA or HHA, please come on by and spread the word.

RVNAhealth is located at 27 Governor Street, Ridgefield CT 06877.  203-438-5555.

Visit the RVNAhealth Employment page for other open positions.

Theresa Santoro, RVNAhealth President and CEO, honored as one of ‘The Ridgefield 25’ by Ridgefield Magazine

It came as little surprise to many — particularly the staff at RVNAhealth — that Theresa Santoro, MSN, RN, CHCA, RVNAhealth President and CEO, was named one of ‘The Ridgefield 25’ this month by Ridgefield Magazine. Now everyone knows what we have known all along. Theresa Santoro makes a profound difference to the communities and individuals she serves.

The Ridgefield 25 project was introduced by Ridgefield Magazine this year and will become an annual event. The project recognizes members of the Ridgefield community whose dedication, creativity, and influence have inspired and enriched the lives of those around them. From the over 100 nominations received, 25 honorees were selected for the inaugural year.

Santoro is being honored for the energy, vitality, and growth she has brought to RVNA, expanding the scope, services, reach — and presence — of the agency.

Theresa Santoro at RVNA

Theresa Santoro began her RVNAhealth career in 1999 as a visiting registered nurse, providing care to patients in their homes. Santoro’s vision, intelligence, and energy propelled her to the role of President and CEO in 2007. During her early leadership years at RVNA, she returned to school for a master’s degree in Health Care Administration.  Meanwhile, she recognized and saw firsthand, the demands the aging population and young baby boomers would have for RVNA’s home care services and community health programs.  And she recognized that to serve these needs, RVNAhealth needed to grow.

Just prior to the Agency’s centennial in 2014 and under Santoro’s guidance, RVNAhealth — to meet the needs of the populations they served  — began to expand their programs and services as well as the region they served. At the same time,  it was clear that RVNAhealth needed a new home — to accommodate a growing team that had already vastly outgrown the previous space. In 2016, RVNAhealth opened the Center for Exceptional Care, a state-of-the-art facility in the center of Ridgefield that would house the RVNAhealth team, and serve as a hub for community members to seek guidance and receive services, for themselves or their loved ones.

It was an ambitious and extraordinary undertaking which came to life through the generosity and partnership of the committed RVNAhealth team, friends, and supporters. Today, the Center for Exceptional Care includes an outpatient physical therapy and rehabilitation center; a full teaching kitchen for nutritional services and education; onsite clinic rooms for the administration of vaccines and other nursing services; a caregiver support room, and meeting rooms for community health and wellness education and programs.

The RVNAhealth family of health services – Home Health; non-medical Home Care; Rehab by RVNA; Hospice by RVNA; Nutrition Services, and Community Health and Wellness — now serves 28 towns across Connecticut and provides care to our patients and community members at all stages of their life and health.

RVNA, with Theresa Santoro at the helm, continues to go strong and grow strong, while remaining true to their mission and the individuals and communities they serve.

The Ridgefield 25 will be celebrated at a ceremony held at BMW of Ridgefield, Saturday, November 10 at 6 pm.

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Meet Melissa Papish, Senior Business Operations Manager

Things are always better when Melissa Papish is in the room. Or anywhere nearby.

Melissa is one of those people whose intelligent, thoughtful, and insightful contributions get any initiative or any discussion to the next level. And beyond.

An added bonus?  Melissa is calm and measured, with an adept sense of humor and appreciation.

So whether you’re mapping out a strategic initiative, seeking operational acumen, or just trying to get the darn copier to work, be on the lookout for Melissa Papish.

She’s generous with her abilities and you’ll be glad of her help.

Where did you grow up and where do you live now?
I grew up in Danbury just over the Ridgefield border.  Currently I reside in Brookfield with my boyfriend Brandon, son Matthew, stepdaughters Alexandra and Bailey, two canine children, a rabbit, and a frog.

How long have you been at RVNAhealth?
A total of 12 years!  I started at RVNAhealth in 1999 until 2003 when I relocated to South Carolina.  I returned to CT in 2009 and came right back home to RVNA!

What brought you here?
While a sophomore in high school I was providing after-school care for a family in Ridgefield.  Also during that year I had obtained my certified nurse’s aide certificate and was looking for additional employment.  One afternoon I had a few minutes before I had to meet the kids at the bus, so I walked into RVNAhealth to apply for a CNA position.  I was greeted with open arms and so the journey began!

Describe your role at RVNA.
I am the Senior Business Operations Manager.  In short, I ensure all patient services are authorized by insurance companies, ensure the agency can bill for the good work that’s done, and oversee Medical Records.

What is your favorite part of your job?
During my years at RVNA, I’ve held numerous positions (and sometimes more than one position at one time) while the agency expanded from servicing a handful of towns to now servicing 28 towns!  Throughout all the jobs, my favorite part is getting to make a difference to someone, whether it’s a patient, co-worker, or supervisor.  You can say I run on “thank you”s!

Did you ever consider becoming a nurse?
I sure did being my grandmother was an RN.  Unfortunately I quickly realized I was never going to get over my fear of needles or the sight of blood, so I changed my path to work behind the scenes in the healthcare field!

What do you love to do when you’re not working?
Planning my next vacation!

What is your hidden talent?
Not so hidden, but still a talent, is the uncanny ability to remember every detail of everything even years later.  I’m sure my co-workers would agree that it comes in handy on a daily basis!

What would you do if you won the lottery?
Buy my dream oceanfront house in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

Do you have a favorite RVNAhealth moment or story?
There isn’t a single favorite moment but instead a culmination of all RVNAhealth moments.  RVNAhealth has afforded me personal and professional growth, unlimited opportunities, and special friendships.  For that, I will forever be grateful to RVNA.

Injuries: When to Say When

It’s always fun to meet a physical therapist (PT) at a party and ask them all the nagging questions that have been building up over the years. Since October is National Physical Therapy month — cheers! — we decided that rather than wait for you to happen upon a PT, we’d bring one to you.

Gigi Weiss, MSPT, is the Director of Rehabilitation at RVNAhealth, managing both in-home therapy services as well as Rehab by RVNAhealth, our outpatient center in Ridgefield. Weiss is also a licensed physical therapist and no stranger to receiving PT questions at parties and elsewhere.

Two of the most common questions Weiss and her colleagues hear have to do with timing: “When do I know it’s time to have surgery? and “How do I know when it’s time to treat an injury?”  And while there is no one easy answer to either question, it generally comes down to pain.

“Pain is a sign that something is wrong. And when you have pain, it’s important to address it before it creates new problems,” says Weiss.

“When surgery has been recommended to address a condition, you want to be certain it’s the right choice and timing for you. When your pain is compromising the quality of your life — mobility, sleep, comfort — it’s time to take care of it. Physical therapy can often buy you time and help reduce discomfort prior to surgery, but waiting too long can cause compensatory injuries and can reduce your strength, making recovery longer.”

Regarding injuries, Weiss says that any injury or pain that’s with you for more than a few days should be assessed. What is it? Why did it happen? How can it be treated? How can it be prevented in future? These questions are all part of an evaluation (frequently covered by insurance) that aims to identify and treat the root cause, not the symptoms.  “The sooner you do that,” says Weiss, “the better.”

To learn more or ask follow-up questions, please contact RVNAhealth at 203-438-5555.