Dynamic Duo: Volunteer Lead and Therapy Dog Win Hospice Award

Stephanie Peppe, Hospice Volunteer Manager, and our beloved hospice therapy dog Sophia won the 2024 Florence Wald Award for Excellence in End-of-Life Care – Volunteer Award.

Pictured: Stephanie Peppe, Hospice Volunteer Manager, and Sophia (Therapy Dog), along with Theresa Santoro, RVNAhealth President & CEO, and the RVNAhealth Hospice and Palliative Care teams.

We are incredibly proud to announce that our very own Stephanie Peppe, Hospice Volunteer Manager, and our beloved hospice therapy dog Sophia won the 2024 Florence Wald Award for Excellence in End-of-Life Care – Volunteer Award. The award was presented at the Connecticut Association for Healthcare at Home Statewide Hospice & Palliative Care Annual Summit.

About the Award

Stephanie Peppe, Hospice Volunteer Manager, and our beloved hospice therapy dog Sophia won the 2024 Florence Wald Award for Excellence in End-of-Life Care – Volunteer Award.
Stephanie and Sophia are pictured here with Florence Wald’s daughter, Shari Vogler

The award was established to honor Florence Wald, a pioneer in improving the care of dying patients worldwide. Florence Wald’s focus on an interdisciplinary approach to end-of-life care led her to open the first hospice in the United States (here in Connecticut!) in 1971. As a visionary leader with an unwavering commitment to social justice and reverence for life, she invited patient, family, and team participation. She truly listened to their input which ultimately started the hospice reform movement in this country.

A Passion for Hospice Volunteers

In her role as Hospice Volunteer Manager, Stephanie Peppe is crucial in recruiting, training, and overseeing volunteers who provide invaluable support to hospice patients and their loved ones. Stephanie manages a team of 70+ volunteers and in the past 12 months, they have provided over 1,600 hours of help in the office and the field visiting patients and their family members.  Stephanie is steadfast in her mission to educate and inspire others to recognize the value of hospice volunteerism. “People are usually drawn to hospice volunteer work because of a positive personal experience with a loved one,” she says. “But I encourage all to consider hospice as a volunteer path. It really doesn’t take much except being there — sitting with a patient, walking the dog, or providing respite for the family so they can run errands,” she says. “Presence means the absolute world to patients and their families.”

Welcoming our Therapy Dog

On June 8, 2021, RVNAhealth welcomed Sophia, RVNAhealth’s Hospice Therapy Dog. Sophia was trained at ECAD — Educated Canines Assisting with Disabilities and was originally intended to be a seeing-eye dog, but her calm demeanor and mild pace ultimately destined her to be the perfect facility/therapy dog. In addition to her hospice volunteer role, Stephanie took on the lead role for our pet therapy program.

A Dynamic Duo for RVNAhealth Hospice

Together, Stephanie and Sophia have helped pioneer a special approach to hospice care, bringing comfort and companionship to patients in a unique and meaningful way. Sophia’s presence has been a source of joy and comfort to many, embodying the spirit of compassion and companionship that is central to hospice care.

Stephanie’s tenacity in challenging misconceptions about hospice care, her dedication to educating and inspiring others, and her innovative use of animal-assisted therapy with Sophia truly set her apart as a leader in the field of end-of-life care. Sophia’s role as a therapy dog has brought comfort and joy to many patients and their families, highlighting the importance of companionship and emotional support in hospice care. Together, Stephanie and Sophia have touched the lives of countless individuals, embodying the spirit of Florence Wald’s interdisciplinary approach to end-of-life care. Congratulations to Stephanie and Sophia for embodying the spirit of excellence in hospice care!

For More Information About Volunteering at RVNAhealth

Watch Sophia, star in ‘A Day in the Life of a Hospice Volunteer”

RVNAhealth welcomes all inquiries for volunteer opportunities. The RVNAhealth volunteer program offers safe and diverse opportunities for donating time in a way that is purposeful and meaningful for everyday heroes of all ages. Share the gift of your time across our robust organization in an administrative role, or join our Hospice volunteer corps, dedicated to supporting patients and families at end-of-life. A little known fact specific to our hospice volunteers program — RVNAhealth, and all Medicare-certified hospice programs, are required by law to have 5% of service hours performed by volunteers.  Why?  Because hospice care in the U.S. was founded by volunteers, and the commitment to the power, beauty, and altruism of volunteering remains!

If you are interested in learning more about volunteering at RVNAhealth, please visit us here and fill out our Volunteer Inquiry Form.



About RVNAhealth

 RVNAhealth is a private, 501c(3) non-profit organization which provides a continuum of care to people in 35+ towns across Fairfield, Litchfield, and New Haven Counties. RVNAhealth depends on financial support from individuals like you who believe that healthy communities improve the quality of life for everyone. Every gift — no matter the size — is critical to upholding our mission and sustaining our important work. If you would like to support RVNAhealth’s mission to deliver unmatched, compassionate healthcare when and where it is needed, please click here.

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