Sponsor Spotlight: Danosky & Associates

Sharon Danosky with RVNAhealth President & CEO Theresa Santoro at the 2019 Autumn Dinner
Above: Sharon Danosky, president and founder, Danosky & Associates (left) with RVNA President and CEO Theresa Santoro.

Sharon Danosky, president and founder of Danosky & Associates, is a strategist and thought leader who partners with nonprofit organizations and their boards to build strong organizational capacity. She is no stranger to healthcare, with over 25 years as a member of the senior management team for hospitals and human organizations and more than 10 years of consulting for various nonprofit organizations. As her first nonprofit client, RVNAhealth has a special place in her heart.

Danosky & Associates has a passion for the work nonprofit organizations do and believes in their power to make the world a better place. Danosky’s diverse team of consultants offers clients a full spectrum of support and guidance. As a consultant, facilitator and teacher, Sharon has helped organizations, including RVNAhealth, achieve significant growth, develop purposeful boards, build sustainable fundraising programs, and strategically plan for the future.   

A Strategic Partner to RVNAhealth

Over the years, Sharon has worked with RVNAhealth to remain focused on strategy and impact every step of the way and, most recently, was actively engaged in our agency rebrand to RVNAhealth, as well as facilitating our next five year plan. She is an active member of our Development Committee, dedicated supporter of our Annual Fund, and loyal sponsor of our annual Spring Breakfast fundraising event. Our mission to provide exceptional healthcare at every age and stage of life truly resonates with her and she is committed to help bring this mission to the many people and communities we serve. 

When asked what Sharon loves best about supporting the annual RVNAhealth Spring Breakfast, she said, “I love hearing a good story and I love the powerful stories which patients and family members share each year at the Spring Breakfast. Stories draw us in. We relate to them. When I hear the impact that RVNAhealth has had on an individual and their family, the remarkable care provided by a nurse, therapist or aide, it just gets me every time. My husband was diagnosed with ALS many years ago and I will never forget the care and support the aides, therapists and nurses provided. Because of them, we can be the wives, daughters, husbands and sons our families need.”

Sharon is a BoardSource Certified Governance Trainer and a sought-after presenter, conducting workshops and seminars at the national, regional and local level and has published numerous articles on governance, boards, fundraising and strategy. She is a member of RVNAhealth’s Governor Society, a group of loyal business donors recognized for their annual contributions of $1,000 or more. Thank you, Sharon, for your consult, support and belief in us!

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