Heart Health with Stay at Home in Wilton

Stay at Home in Wilton and RVNAhealth have enjoyed a good long partnership, with RVNAhealth providing administrative support and collaboration from the moment Stay at Home in Wilton was founded over 10 years ago. The partnership continues today with events, programs and camaraderie to offer care, education, and entertainment.

Most recently, Stay at Home in Wilton and RVNAhealth presented Heart Health 2021 on February 23rd, featuring a goody bag drive-through graciously hosted at the Wilton Historical Society and a virtual presentation with RVNAhealth experts discussing blood pressure (Jill Hart, RN), grip strength (Sarah Triano, OTR/L) and meditation (April Rodriguez, RN). The presentation was capped off with a Q & A with Ralph Kirmser, M.D., esteemed cardiologist and husband of Stay at Home in Wilton’s president, Sally Maraventano Kirmser.

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