Wrapping Up RVNAhealth’s First Dementia Education Series

dementia education

As June came to a close, so did RVNAhealth’s first Dementia Education & Resources series. Thanks to a grant from Union Savings Bank and support from our donors, RVNAhealth introduced the program in February, a series of 7 educational presentations to bring much-needed education and awareness to those affected by dementia or interested in learning more. With statistics stating that one in three seniors, ages 65+, will develop some form of dementia, many are surprised to find that community resources and education specific to dementia are lacking. As RVNAhealth’s first educational-focused series on dementia, “Our goal was to help fill the resources gap and provide those impacted by dementia with tools, support, and a sense of community. This was a great first step in the dementia education space. We look forward to repeating these presentations and bringing new requested topics and content based upon our attendee feedback,” says Gigi Weiss, MSPT, RVNAhealth Senior Director of Rehabilitative Therapies and Certified Dementia Practitioner (CDP). P.S. – Read through to the end to find our video library of dementia presentations! 

Dementia Resource Building

Adding dementia education to RVNAhealth’s community education programming calendar was a natural step. With numerous Certified Dementia Practitioners on staff, RVNAhealth offers a broad array of care and support services, delivered by employees with the expertise needed to deliver exceptional communication and assistance between our team, the caregiver, patient, and family. Some of those services include:

  • Dementia Caregiver Support Group: In support of the challenges and needs facing the caregiving population, RVNAhealth offers a Dementia Caregiver Support group monthly, in coordination with the Alzheimer’s Association. Held on the fourth Monday of every month from 11:00am-12:00pm at the RVNAhealth Ridgefield office, the caregiver support group aims to create a safe, confidential, supportive environment and a chance for participants to develop informal mutual support and social relationships. They also educate and inform participants about dementia and help participants develop methods and skills to solve problems.
  • Personal Medical Alert ServicesAt the early stages of a dementia diagnosis, when round the clock care may not be necessary, a personal medical alert device can provide caregiver peace of mind for the health and well-being of a loved one. RVNAhealth offers a variety of in-home and on-the-go Lifeline device options.
  • Rehabilitation ServicesRehabilitation services help patients extend their independence in activities and speech.  Occupational and Speech Therapists help to stimulate cognitive and fine motor skills while providing practical tools to maximize activity, safety, and enhance quality of life.
  • Nutrition ServicesNutrition services for dementia, offered by our Registered Dietitian, are aimed at promoting appetite, healthy body weight, and positive engagement with food, while balancing each patient’s unique nutritional needs.
  • Private Duty CaregiversAvailable as hourly or live-in, our private duty caregivers can provide a variety of non-medical personal and household assistance based upon a patient’s evolving needs.
  • Private Duty NursingProviding immediate access to care for medical needs and treatments not covered by insurance.  From medical care in the home, to medication preparation and administration, to peace of mind medical assessments and vital sign checks when getting to the doctor is too difficult – Private Duty Nurses provide immediate and customized care in coordination with a patient’s doctor.
  • Palliative & Hospice CareFor advanced dementia disease, palliative and hospice care with RVNAhealth provides in-home comfort care and peace to patient and family. An experienced team consisting of medical, social, spiritual, and family support volunteers bring their expertise and experience in dementia care to families and their loved ones.
Stay in Touch for Dementia News and Programming

To stay in touch with us about details or to register for any of these or RVNAhealth’s other educational and program offerings, please check out our calendar of events regularly. And if you would like to subscribe to our RVNAhealth Dementia-specific communications, please sign up HERE.

Dementia Presentation Video Library

For those that may have missed our presentations, or would like to go back and review topics, we are pleased to provide our dementia video library of the following recorded presentations:


About RVNAhealth

RVNAhealth is a private, 501c(3) non-profit organization which provides a continuum of care to people in 35+ towns across Fairfield, Litchfield, and New Haven Counties. RVNAhealth depends on financial support from individuals like you who believe that healthy communities improve the quality of life for everyone. Every gift — no matter the size — is critical to upholding our mission and sustaining our important work. If you would like to support RVNAhealth’s mission to deliver unmatched, compassionate healthcare when and where it is needed, please click here.


The Role of Geriatric Care Managers in Navigating the Aging Process

Geriatric Care Manager at RVNAhealth

What is a Geriatric Care Manager and why would I need one? This is an important question many have, but few know much (or enough) about! So let’s set the stage…

  • Do you have a loved one who has experienced a recent health or cognition change that will affect their daily or future living?
  • Do you know someone who is living alone or might need more care?
  • Do your loved ones have advanced directives in place, and have you had end-of-life care and wish discussions?

These scenarios only skim the surface in the range of topics that a Geriatric Care Manager can assist with. Whether seeking help during a period of transition or simply planning for the future, RVNAhealth’s Geriatric Care Management team of licensed clinical social workers offers expert senior guidance, advocacy, and support.

Help Designed For Navigating The Aging Journey

Navigating the complex world of senior care and aging requires careful knowledge and time. As RVNAhealth’s Geriatric Care Manager, Amy Feder, LCSW, CDP, CCM, works to support and educate clients and family members through their unique aging journey.

“I consider a large part of my role as an educator. Often, when a loved one experiences a sudden health or cognitive change, the children or spouse are not prepared for what those changes mean. Most are not aware of critical resources and options available to them.  That’s where I come in. I am a passionate counselor and advocate for our senior population. And helping individuals and families navigate the aging process is an honor,” says Amy.

Amy spends much of her time meeting with clients to understand needs, developing a plan, and then getting to work in connecting them with relevant and available resources and options. That work can span a wide range of support depending on an individuals’ needs and circumstances. Support may come in the form of education or advocacy on health and medical resources, connection to legal or financial assistance, social services, living and caregiving options, end-of-life planning, and more. “It can be really hard to summarize the services of a Geriatric Care Manager,” says Amy. “But that’s the beauty and importance of what this role is all about – it’s about each individual client and family and assisting them with their own specific needs.”

Questions or Want to Discuss a Geriatric Care Management Need?

RVNAhealth’s Geriatric Care Managers are available to clients on a private-pay basis for as little as an hour or for as long as an individual or family would like for ongoing needs and oversight.  “A lot can be accomplished in a one hour conversation,” says Amy. But she encourages anyone interested in learning more to first reach out for a free 15-minute consultation to help determine your specific needs.  If you have an inquiry or questions about Geriatric Care Management at RVNAhealth, please call us at 203.438.5555 option 2.

About Amy Feder, LCSW, CDP, CCM, RVNAhealth Geriatric Care Manager

Amy Feder, RVNAhealth Geriatric Care Manager, LCSW, CDP, CMCPrior to her new role, Amy worked as an RVNAhealth Hospice and Palliative Care Social Worker.  She has also worked for many years as a Geriatric Care Manager for the Senior Choice at Home program through Jewish Senior Services. Amy’s background as a Certified Dementia Practitioner/ Geriatric Case Manager has provided her a unique ability in supporting geriatric patients and their families.  Amy has facilitated caregiver support groups throughout assisted living facilities in Connecticut and has spoken on the importance of self-care for family members caring for elderly loved ones.

Amy received her Master’s in Social Work from NYU in 1994, and has worked at both NYU Medical Center and Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City.  Amy is a member of the Alzheimer’s Association, NASW, a Certified Dementia Practitioner (CDP), and Certified Care Manager (CCM) through the National Academy of Certified Care Managers. She feels it is a privilege to provide care for the senior population.



About RVNAhealth

RVNAhealth is a private, 501c(3) non-profit organization which provides a continuum of care to people in 35+ towns across Fairfield, Litchfield, and New Haven Counties. RVNAhealth depends on financial support from individuals like you who believe that healthy communities improve the quality of life for everyone. Every gift — no matter the size — is critical to upholding our mission and sustaining our important work. If you would like to support RVNAhealth’s mission to deliver unmatched, compassionate healthcare when and where it is needed, please click here.

Meet Danielle Taibi, OT, Dementia Specialist

Danielle Taibi, OT

Meet Danielle Taibi, OT, Dementia Specialist and Educator

RVNAhealth has been fortunate to have Danielle Taibi, Occupational Therapist and Dementia Specialist, play an integral part in the development and roll out of its Dementia Education and Resource Program.  Danielle has been with RVNAhealth for 8 years, working in occupational therapy and home health supervisor roles. Through her experience treating and assisting patients and families she became passionate about dementia care. Danielle is a Certified Dementia Practitioner (CDP) and Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care Trainer. In addition to treating patients she is lending her dementia knowledge and training to RVNAhealth and the community. We recently sat down with Danielle to ask her a few questions about her most recent role and involvement in RVNAhealth’s Dementia program. You may read a summary of our discussion below or listen directly to our conversation through the linked audio files.


Connecting People with Dementia Information

Danielle’s interest and passion for dementia resources stems from listening to patients, family members and caregivers – many expressing the lack of information and resources to direct them where to start or where to go with a dementia diagnosis. “I am someone who wants to delve into what intervention strategies and what training is going to be the most helpful for people out in the community, and for RVNAhealth staff, who are more and more treating patients with dementia.”  Listen to Danielle talk more about her passion for dementia education >>


Spreading Knowledge and Creating Resources

RVNAhealth’s recent program is more than just an educational program. It is just a small part of the overall dementia initiative the agency has taken over the past two years. Efforts started with training clinicians across RVNAhealth as Certified Dementia Practitioners (CDP). And a few, including Danielle, have gone on to become certified as Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care Trainers. In addition to continuing to train clinicians internally at RVNAhealth, Danielle is helping to take the same dementia-focused initiative out into the community in the form of training for local Assisted Living Facilities as well as for our community presentations.   Listen to Danielle talk about RVNAhealth’s dementia initiative >>


Advice To Newly Diagnosed Patients and Family and Caregivers

Individuals faced with a new diagnosis of dementia can become overwhelmed by the lack of resources and guidance, as well as the emotional stress encompassing the diagnosis itself.  Danielle shared a positive message for patients and caregivers, saying “You are still ‘you’. And you will be ‘you’ right till the end. The person does not go away […] There is still quality of life.”  Listen to Danielle’s thoughts and advice for those facing a new dementia diagnosis >>


A Unique Background Lending to a Unique Perspective

We concluded our sit down with Danielle by learning a little more about her unique background and how it has helped to shape her passion and approach to dementia care. We won’t spoil Danielle’s fun fact about her background, so listen in to learn more! >>


To learn more about RVNAhealth Dementia Education and Resources Program, please visit out website.  You will find details about various services, along with our current schedule of dementia education programming.


RVNAhealth is a private, 501c(3) non-profit organization which provides a continuum of care to people in 35+ towns across Fairfield, Litchfield, and New Haven Counties. RVNAhealth depends on financial support from individuals like you who believe that healthy communities improve the quality of life for everyone. Every gift — no matter the size — is critical to upholding our mission and sustaining our important work. If you would like to support RVNAhealth’s mission to deliver unmatched, compassionate healthcare when and where it is needed, please click here.

NEW! RVNAhealth Dementia Education & Resources Program

RVNAhealth is excited to announce the introduction of its new Dementia Education & Resources Program, launching officially in March! The new program is aimed at those diagnosed in the early stages of Alzheimer’s or other dementias, and for family members or caregivers at any stage of caring for a loved one. With RVNAhealth’s extensive experience providing care and healthcare services for those with dementia, the new Dementia Education & Resources Program will introduce a robust calendar of educational, therapeutic and support components to our communities – all free of charge.

The Dementia Program “Why”

Many find the staggering statistics around dementia surprising. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, one in three seniors, ages 65+, dies with a form of dementia. And even more surprising, many facing the diagnosis of dementia disease find there are very few resources to turn to for education, care, and support.  Gigi Weiss, MSPT, RVNAhealth Senior Director of Rehabilitative Therapies and Certified Dementia Practitioner (CDP) has witnessed the stories of dementia patients and their families firsthand. “Newly diagnosed dementia patients and their families often discover a harsh and frustrating reality of scattered resources. Many are left to face the battle on their own – one that can be frustrating, scary, and life-changing for both the individual and their loved ones and caregivers,” says Weiss. “This new program from RVNAhealth is intended to help fill that resources gap. We aim to provide regular education and therapeutic programs, and support groups to serve early to mid-stage dementia patients and loved ones and caregivers at all stages of the journey.”

RVNAhealth Dementia & Resources Program Formal Kickoff – March 7th

The RVNAhealth Dementia Education & Resources Program kicks off formally at our Ridgefield office event on March 7th from 1:00-2:30pm (in-person or via Zoom) with a presentation by guest physician, Dr. Alison McElhone, Gerontologist from Stamford Health, who will speak about the importance of early evaluation in cognitive decline and dementia. Also, during this event, Weiss and other RVNAhealth dementia experts will present introductory education and and an overview of our new resources program, including the calendar lineup of internal and external dementia experts scheduled to present on topics ranging from nutritional impacts, to understanding the linkage with hearing loss, recommended home modifications, and more (see details below). To register to attend this event in-person or virtually, please view our event and follow the registration link.

Upcoming lineup of events following our kickoff:

  • March 26th: Understanding the Cognitive Benefits of Exercise in Dementia Care
  • April 4th: The Impact of Nutrition on Dementia Care
  • April 9th: The Unheard Connection: Exploring the Link between Hearing Loss and Dementia
  • May 8th: Helping You Meet the Dementia Challenge
  • May 16th: Home Modifications for Dementia-Friendly Living
  • June 4th: Legal and Long-Term Financial Planning in Dementia Care
  • June 18th: Hospice Care and Comfort – End Stage Dementia: A Compassionate Approach
  • Plus ongoing support groups

Need Dementia Information or Support Sooner?

Leading up to our March 7th formal kickoff, we are excited to also offer an educational event, “Helping You Meet The Dementia Challenge,” at the Ridgefield Library on February 15th from 1:30-2:30pm.  Weiss and RVNAhealth’s Danielle Taibi, Home Health Aide Supervisor – both Certified Dementia Practitioners, will explain how to recognize the symptoms and stages of the condition, and discuss coping techniques that can be implemented during the early stages. The team will also discuss how to recognize when professional assistance and intervention may be necessary, along with strategies to make challenges and transitions more manageable. Please register HERE to attend this Feb 15th event.

RVNAhealth also continues its existing dedication to dementia support through its monthly Alzheimer’s Association-backed support groups.  RVNAhealth’s own Melissa Wutke, HHA Supervisor, Certified Dementia Practitioner, facilitates an Alzheimer’s Association monthly caregiver support group at RVNAhealth in Ridgefield.

Stay In Touch With Us

To stay in touch with us about details or to register for any of these or RVNAhealth’s other educational and program offerings, please check out our calendar of events regularly.  And if you would like to subscribe to our RVNAhealth Dementia-specific communications, please sign up HERE.

Adaptive Equipment on Someone’s Holiday List?

RVNAhealth adaptive equipment recommendations

Okay, so adaptive equipment may not actually be on your loved one’s holiday wish list.  But for those who struggle with strength, mobility, or sensory issues, adaptive equipment can enable independence, enhance quality of life, and boost confidence. So RVNAhealth is here to offer great suggestions that might make someone’s holiday brighter!

Our clinicians are always eager to share suggestions on equipment that can make life easier when it comes to mobility and independence around the home. From kitchen, dressing, bed and bath, to grooming and beauty aids and even clothing — we’ve taken some of our clinicians’ most frequent recommendations and created a new webpage where you can browse these items and link directly through to purchase.

We welcome you to check back frequently as we continue to expand our list of recommended products. If you have questions regarding any of these products or usage, feel free to contact us.

See our RVNAhealth Adaptive Equipment Recommendations here!