RVNAhealth caregivers and clinicians bring joy to their patients in many ways. Through excellent care, kind words, taking time to truly listen, and now … with a pleasing dose of style, thanks to Christine Burnett and her fashion accomplice – her sewing machine.
Christine (a close family friend of Melissa Woodhouse, RVNAhealth Director of StayWELL Services) single-handedly created dozens of bonnets for our team to help protect and cover their hair while working. The bonnets are not only highly-functional, they are darling. And reversible!
Here are three of our favorites – hanging alongside the nurse’s cloak and glove display in the RVNAhealth lobby, relics of a bygone era. When all is said and done, and these bonnets have done their jobs, perhaps they too will become part of the permanent RVNAhealth collection – an apt reflection of this most unusual time.