It was RVNAhealth on site at the Newtown Community Center on Friday, January 29th as we partnered with the Newtown Health Department to offer COVID-19 Vaccines to individuals 75 years and older. It’s brisk outside, but warm, sunny, and spirited inside the Center, where community members were happy to wait their turns in exchange for the preventive vaccine.
Many thanks to our partners in health in Newtown and our RVNAhealth BeWELL team for keeping those vaccines flowing.
Chilly outside, but warm and spirited inside!
Waiting patiently for one's turn
A steady stream of customers being monitored following vaccination
Dorothy Barnes, post vaccination
Eileen Olszewski and son
Gladys Silliman (remarkably age 98!) and her daughter Cindy
Richard Vecchiarello, after vaccination and feeling just fine
Arlene Kimball with RVNAhealth Community Health RN, Jill Hart
How cute are Pat Self and her daughter, Peggy!?
Mother and daughter matching boots! xo