Gigi, MSPT
Director of Rehabilitation Services
Hometown: Ridgefield, CT
About yourself: I grew up in Ridgefield, CT, and moved back in 2000, and then married in 2001. We have two boys, 15 and 11. I love sports (especially watching my oldest play baseball), and could not be anything but a “boy mom!” I play in local softball and women’s flag football leagues, and we love to ski as a family.
Why and when did you choose your profession? I always knew I wanted to do something in the medical field. In college, I came across physical therapy. That was it. I knew it was a growing profession, and it enabled you to be very connected with your patients. It also allowed me to integrate my love for sports into my career.
I love what I do at RVNAhealth, and particularly enjoy my time working with members of the older generation, helping them retain and regain their mobility and strength.