Gene, RN
RN Case Manager
Hometown: Danbury, CT
Tell us a bit about yourself: I love to travel, eat, and explore with my family. My kids (a six-year-old daughter and 8-year-old son) love the beach as much as I do, and we typically just love to enjoy nature.
When and why did you become a nurse? My mother was a nursing professor in the Philippines, and I watched her persevere to move to this country for better opportunities. I’ve always looked up to my mom, as her students and the people she works with would always be so greatly attached to her. She had a great impact in their careers and lives.
Life was different in the Philippines, and it was a very humbling experience to be able to be raised as I was. I grew up with the idea of nursing, always caring for other people in need, and attempting to make a difference in someone’s life. It’s what led me to pursue the same career that my mom did.
Where do you see patients? I case manage in Danbury, New Fairfield, Bethel and Ridgefield. I help out with start of care and admissions when needed.
What are some things about being a nurse that might surprise people? This profession is different in every country; in some it’s even more hand-on. In the Philippines, nurses deliver babies, compared to here, where we assist physicians.
What is a favorite moment/time from your career as a nurse? Every day is a different experience as a nurse, as you meet different people and different circumstance. There is never a dull moment or time in nursing.
How has your job changed with COVID-19? The overall scope of nursing is the same. COVID-19 is just another disease that we are working with. Everyone is in constant fear of the disease because there is no clear treatment. That fear is compounded because we must gear up to go into COVID patients’ homes. I’m wearing a mask, so you can’t see the smile on my face. I have to stand farther away from my patients. When I used to discharge them, we’d exchange hugs. Now, we do an elbow bump, or they tap my foot.