RVNAhealth Welcomes New Board Members

The RVNAhealth Board of Directors began a new term on July 1, bidding farewell to three “retiring”members and welcoming new members aboard. Stepping down are Betsy Brand, Mary Jones, and Joyce Ligi who each completed two consecutive terms in June. Returning member Marcie Coffin rejoins after a brief hiatus, and new members Linda MacDonald and Carolyn Nolan began their terms at the first meeting on July 31.

“RVNAhealth is so fortunate to have the support and vast experience of our Board members behind us as we move into our next phase of growth,” says RVNAhealth President and CEO, Theresa Santoro. “Their dedication bolsters us in our mission to provide exceptional care and promote the highest quality of life to community members of all ages and all stages of health.”

RVNAhealth is pleased to introduce…

Marcie Coffin is Executive Vice President and Risk Management Officer for Fairfield County Bank, where she’s been employed for 18 years. She is returning to the Board after a brief hiatus, having originally served from 2009 – 2017. A 20-year resident of Ridgefield, Marcie has dedicated her time to numerous organizations in town. In addition to serving on the board of Ridgefield Sunrise Cottage and the Lounsbury House, she has volunteered for the Ridgefield Library, the Soccer Club of Ridgefield, the RHS Boys’ Soccer Booster Club, and the Lions Heart service organization. Marcie currently serves as one of the town’s elected Police Commissioners.

Linda MacDonald is Senior Managing Director at Ankura consulting group. With 30 years of experience, she is a recognized expert in financial accounting and reporting. Linda holds an MBA in finance from American University, is a Certified Public Accountant and a Certified Fraud Examiner. Her professional work includes 12 years of accounting standard-setting experience with the Financial Accounting Standards Board, and investigatory experience in the Enforcement Division of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in Washington, DC. Linda is a Ridgefield resident.

Carolyn Nolan is Chief Strategy Officer for OnQ Solutions, Inc. She has had extensive experience in sales, marketing, operations, and management for organizations across the country, including IQNavigator, Volt Information Sciences, and ActionLink, with additional expertise in strategic planning and organizational change. A Ridgefield resident, Carolyn is no stranger to RVNAhealth and is currently a member of the Rebranding Task Force.

Hospice by RVNA Seeks Volunteers

As Aesop said, “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” This is never more true than it is for hospice volunteers who share their talents, or simply their time, to enrich people’s lives.

Just ask RVNAhealth volunteer, Paul Avery. “You know how the saying goes,” he says. “’You get more from giving than you actually give.’ That’s exactly how I feel about my Hospice volunteering. I spend time with people at a very important time in their life, and I treasure it. It’s gentle time — talking, sitting, watching Mets games, that kind of thing. The connection is what’s important.”

Volunteers are critical to the mission of  Hospice by RVNA and support patients in a variety of ways, including visiting and offering companionship, reading books or magazines, assisting with writing letters or scrapbooking, pet care, and more. Volunteers are also needed for office and phone work, assistance with mailings, or help at fundraising events. Professionals willing to offer their services – such as religious leaders, massage therapists, manicurists, handy helpers, and gardeners — are also welcome.

“There are so many ways to make a difference in the lives of our patients and their families,” says Hospice by RVNA Director, Leslie Chiaramonte. “What may seem like a small task to you could mean the world to them.”

Hospice by RVNA is currently seeking volunteers* for Ridgefield and surrounding communities. For more information, contact Hospice by RVNA Social Worker Cindy Merritt at 203-438-5555.

Hospice by RVNA is licensed and in the final accreditation stage.

* While we appreciate the generosity of all volunteers, we ask those who have recently lost a loved one to wait at least one year before volunteering. Please allow yourself the time you need for yourself — to strengthen and heal.  Thank you.

RVNAhealth Launches Otago to Prevent Falls

Once you’re past the age of playing Ring Around the Rosy, falling down isn’t much fun. In fact, falls can be dangerous and are among the leading causes of injury to those age 65 and older. Approximately one third of healthy people in this age group will have at least one fall per year, which can result in often serious complications ranging from loss of independence and function to broken bones and other trauma. While falls can be the result of a variety of inter-related factors, leg muscle weakness and poor balance are often to blame. Enter the Otago Fall Prevention Program.

Recently launched by RVNAhealth, Otago is a strength and balance retraining program that reduces the risk of falls and related injuries by 35 to 40 percent. The program focuses on muscle strength, balance, flexibility, and reaction time — the contributing factors to falls that are most easily improved.

All RVNAhealth physical therapists are trained to deliver the program in the home setting, as well to outpatients at Rehab by RVNA. The program is already being integrated into the care plans for many RVNAhealth home health patients. Otago became RVNA’s fall prevention program of choice not only because of its proven effectiveness, but also because it can be easily customized for individuals at all stages of life and health.

“A fall can be dangerous at any age,” says Gigi Weiss, Director of RVNAhealth Rehabilitation Services. “But we’re all at greater risk of falling as we get older. What most people don’t realize is how easy it is to prevent. We know Otago works to improve a patient’s balance, stability, and strength so falling is much less likely.” Weiss stresses that even younger adults in the 55+ set can benefit from Otago in order to prevent a decline in balance as they age.

Otago involves a series of 20 progressive exercises that are performed in conjunction with a walking plan. After an initial balance skills assessment, a trained therapist tailors the program to each patient’s level of functioning, moving the patient to more advanced exercises when appropriate. The therapist works with a patient three times a week to start, tapering off over six to eight weeks. While comprehensive, each Otago exercise session takes only 30 minutes to complete. When patients are able, they also walk up to 30 minutes three days a week. After working one-on-one with the therapist, patients continue the exercises independently for maintenance, and see the therapist for a follow-up evaluation after six months.

“Apart from the fact that Otago works, the beauty of the program is that it is suited for a variety of settings to address patients of all walks of life,” says Weiss. “We can introduce Otago to our home health patients in their homes and continue the program as they transition to Rehab by RVNAhealth as an outpatient. We can also offer it as a stand-alone outpatient program for people concerned about falling, whether or not they’ve had a fall in the past.” Weiss notes that Otago may be covered by Medicare and other insurance plans when provided in conjunction with other prescribed home health and outpatient services.

RVNAhealth also has plans to offer Otago as a group program in community-based settings later this year. For more information, contact RVNAhealth at 203-438-5555.

Introducing . . . RVNAhealth’s Medical Records Compliance Coordinator, Christine Tracy

It’s a rare day that Christine Tracy is not the first one to arrive at the RVNAhealth offices, frequently clocking in by 7:00am.  She’s a natural early bird, a calendar phenom, a marathon runner, an organizational wizard, and just about the person you most want to run into in the company kitchen. Take a moment to meet Christine yourself.

Where did you grow up and where do you live now?

I was born and lived in a couple of places in Westchester County, New York and then moved to New Milford, CT just in time for middle school and I stayed there until my husband and I bought a house and moved to Brookfield several years ago.

What is your role at RVNAhealth?

I started out as the professional scheduler but I am now the Medical Records Compliance Coordinator. (Editor’s note: In 2021, Christine was again promoted to Supervisor of Health Information Management) I interact with the field staff (nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists and speech therapists) and their supervisors to ensure paperwork compliance. I also connect with the doctors in our community who provide services to our patients in order to ensure all medical orders are signed and in order in the patient record.

How long have you been at RVNAhealth?

I’m coming up on 5 years this November. (Editor’s Note — make that 8 years! This item was written in 2018.)

What brought you here?

A former supervisor of mine from a nursing homing where I worked as a CNA came to RVNAhealth (then RVNA) and absolutely loved the atmosphere here. When the professional scheduler job opened up, she called me right away and encouraged me to apply.

What is your favorite part of your job?

I love that my job lets me utilize my organizational skills. Medicare regulations ensure that my days are always packed with something new and I am NEVER bored!

Have you ever considered becoming a nurse?

It was something I considered briefly when I was working as a CNA. I have always been drawn to the healthcare field in some form.

What do you love to do when you’re not working?

I enjoy anything that lets me be creative. I paint along with Bob Ross which might be the most relaxing thing I’ve ever done. I’ve also dabbled in woodworking, building some of my bedroom furniture and even constructing pieces that have made it into my office to help keep me organized.

What is your hidden talent?

My coworkers will tell you that I ALWAYS know how many days there are until Christmas.

What would you do if you won the lottery?

The first thing I would want to do would be to provide financial security for my parents. They’ve been 100% supportive of me for my entire life, it’s the very least that I could do. I’d also probably continue to expand my dog’s wardrobe.

Do you have a favorite RVNAhealth moment or story?

I think my favorite would be when we moved into the new location. Everything was so shiny and new and everyone was just beyond excited. It was the most joyous chaos I’ve ever seen.

Take our Travel Health Quiz

If you have an exotic vacation coming up — or even if you don’t — take the quiz below to test your knowledge of health and safety while abroad.  Quiz answers are at bottom. No cheating!

  1. International travel may require preventative medicines and vaccines. How long before your departure should you visit the Travel Health Clinic?
    1. 10 days
    2. 4 to 6 weeks
    3. 5 days
    4. 3 days
  2. Hepatitis A may be contracted during travel to which of these regions?
    1. Central America
    2. Western Europe
    3. Eastern Europe
    4. All of the above
  3. Blood clots can develop in the lower leg during extended travel by air or motor vehicle. How often should you move around to keep your circulation normal?
    1. Every 15 minutes
    2. Every 30 minutes
    3. Every hour
    4. Every 2 hours
  4. Mosquito repellent and sunscreen should be applied at the same time.
    1. True
    2. False
  5. If you are scratched or licked over broken skin by a mammal you need to get rabies vaccines?
    1. True
    2. False
  6. Spicy food is always safe to eat, as the spices eradicate the germs.
    1. True
    2. False
  7. Bottled water is always safe to drink.
    1. True
    2. False
  8. The following can help reduce the chance of being bitten by mosquitoes, with the exception of:
    1. Wearing long sleeved shirts, long pants in light colored fabric
    2. Wearing long sleeved shirts, long pants in dark colored fabric
    3. Avoiding perfume, cologne, or other strong scents
    4. Regularly applying effective mosquito repellent
  9. Mosquitos only come out at night.
    1. True
    2. False
  10. Japanese Encephalitis is a vaccine preventable virus which is potentially fatal. Which countries are you at risk for Japanese Encephalitis?
    1. China
    2. Thailand
    3. Japan
    4. All of the above


1) 2   2) 4   3) 4   4) 2*   5) 1   6) 2   7) 2   8) 2   9) 2   10) 4

Meet Maria Chann

RVNA’s  Maria Chann keeps many balls in the air at work. As a “paraprofessional coordinator,” she handles everything from scheduling, to payroll, and more. Even though she’s not in a clinical role herself, Maria’s favorite aspect of the job is connecting with patients. Like many of her colleagues, Maria enjoys helping others. Her smile and can-do attitude are a part of everything she does.

Where did you grow up and where do you reside now?
I lived in Puerto Rico until I was 6 years old when my family moved to Danbury. I still live there now.

What is your role at RVNA?
I’m a paraprofessional coordinator in charge of the CNAs (certified nursing assistants). I handle their scheduling and payroll, and take part in interviewing CNA candidates. I also do the home health scheduling for nurses, physical therapists and occupational therapists.

How long have you been at RVNA?
5 years

What brought you to RVNAhealth at first?
I used to work at a health center in Danbury where I was in charge of 30 medical assistants and 10 schedulers. A doctor I knew there who was from Ridgefield told me about RVNA. I never would have thought to apply, but he said he knew I could do the job.

What is your favorite part of your job?
My favorite part of the job is speaking with the patients. They all have something to say. Some of them don’t have many people to talk to, so I learn a lot about their lives.  I like that. In addition, I love working with the staff here. Everyone is really nice and we all work together well.

Have you ever considered another profession?
At one point I considered being a nurse, but I think coordination is really my thing. Every day is something different. I love what I do.

What do you love to do when you’re not working?
Spend time with my two sons. I have an 18-year-old who is going to West Conn in the fall, and a 12-year-old.

What is your hidden talent?
I don’t think I have one. (Editor’s note: Maybe juggling?)

What would you do if you won the lottery?
I think about that a lot…. I would buy my mom and myself a house so we could create a family community. (Maria still has a large extended family in Puerto Rico.)

Do you have a favorite RVNAhealth moment or story?
Once an aide went to see a patient in Ridgefield. When she got there, she realized that the patient had no food in the house. She’d been eating ice cream and that was it. The aide came back to RVNAhealth and got some food from our food pantry so she could prepare something for her patient to eat. The patient’s family wasn’t even aware, so we called them. Hearing them say how thankful they were was awesome. Communication is one of the most important things we do here.

Meet Crystal Madyda, PT

RVNA’s Crystal Madyda, PT, was not named idly. Brilliant and strong, clear and reflective, Crystal is a true gift to those who know her, those who work with her, and, of course, those patients she treats.

Meet Crystal Madyda.

Where did you grow up and where do you live now?
I was born and raised in Danbury, CT. After attending college in MA, I found myself back in Danbury and that is where I now live with my husband and son.

What is your role at RVNA?
I am an in-home physical therapist.

How long have you been at RVNA?
I have been lucky to work for the RVNA for almost 5 years. December 2018 is my 5 year anniversary.

When did you decide you wanted to become a physical therapist?
I think when I look back, the first time I was really interested in becoming a physical therapist was when I was about 10 years old. My mother had undergone extensive back surgery and I occasionally would go with her to physical therapy sessions. I was amazed that with the therapist’s help she was able to go from barely being able to walk to being my active, involved mother again, playing soccer and throwing the ball with my brother and I like she used to. It was further engrained in me when I attended physical therapy for a sports injury when I was in high school. I loved how therapists could have a hands-on role in helping people get back to better health and wellness. Plus, they made therapy fun!

What is your favorite part of your job?
There are so many things I love about being a physical therapist. Mostly, I truly love getting to know my patients and helping them regain some sense of self and achieve more independence in their daily lives. Being in their homes makes our jobs much more intimate and hands-on and in many cases, more impactful.

If you weren’t a PT, what would you be?
I actually can’t imagine NOT being a PT. Since I love animals, maybe I could see myself being a veterinarian if I wasn’t a physical therapist.

What do you love to do when you’re not working?
When I’m not working, I love spending time with my friends and family. My son is such a little entertainer and makes me laugh every day. You know what they say….laughter is the best medicine!!!

What is your hidden talent?
I’d say one of my hidden talents is I am a really good cook and baker. I read cook books like novels!

What would you do if you won the lottery?
If I won the lottery, I’d make sure that I could take care of all my family’s financial needs, I’d donate… and I’d travel…travel…travel!

Do you have a favorite RVNAhealth story?
One of my favorite RVNAhealth therapy stories involves a patient and her faithful dog. I was helping my patient recover from a spinal fracture as a result of cancer. I was performing some manual therapy techniques on her spine and pelvis while she laid in bed. Her dog had never once jumped up on her bed since she got the hospital bed a couple of months earlier. Her little dog was sweet and very protective and always by my patient’s side.

This day, her dog jumped up on the bed, snuggled in close to me, and rested her head on my arm, all the while I continued to gently work on her owner. What a testament to love, trust and healing.

Protect Your Eyes this Summer

Sunny days filled with outdoor activities are the highlight of summer. While most people understand the importance of protecting their skin from the harmful rays of the sun, that’s not always the case when it comes to protecting their eyes. Just as sunscreen should be a part of your daily routine, sunglasses and hats should be part of your daily wardrobe.

Sunglasses don’t have to be expensive, but they do  need to meet certain criteria to protect your eyes. Wear sunglasses labeled “100% UV Protection” or “UV400,” meaning they block both UV-A and UV-B rays. Pay attention to the fit, too, and avoid styles that leave a large gap at the sides or on top. Oversized or wraparound sunglasses are best. As an added measure, consider polarized lenses, which reduce the intensity of the sun’s reflection off surfaces such as water and light sand. Look for these same features in swim goggles.

One caveat — beware of souvenir shop or “novelty” sunglasses, particularly when it comes to children’s choices. While they may have dark lenses and look real, they can do more harm than good if they  don’t provide the proper UV protection. Wearing dark lenses causes pupils to dilate which increases UV exposure to the eyes.

Finally, both adults and children should take these measures. The World Health Organization estimates that as much as 80 percent of a person’s lifetime UV ray exposure happens prior to age 18. The sun protection we offer ourselves and our children today will directly affect our  eye health tomorrow.

Happy summer!

Introducing Sebastian Aldana

While he’s not a nurse himself, Sebastian Aldana seems to share many of the key qualities of the profession: enjoys helping others, likes to solve problems + make things better, and has what seems to be rather infinite patience.  (We’ve certainly done our best to test it!)

Meet our RVNAhealth IT Support Specialist, Sebastian Aldana.

Where did you grow up and where do you reside now?
I grew up in Stamford, CT and then moved to Norwalk, CT when I was 14 and have lived there since.

What is your role at RVNA?
I am the IT Support Specialist at RVNA.

How long have you been at RVNA?
I started at RVNAhealth as a temp back in November of 2016 and was officially hired full time with RVNAhealth in April 2017.

What brought you to RVNAhealth at first?  
I was offered a temp role at RVNAhealth by the recruiting company I was working for.

What is your favorite part of your job?
My favorite part of my job is helping my fellow co-workers with their computer and any other technical issues.  I truly enjoy helping others and I am especially satisfied when I can help make someone’s day better because I fixed their issues.

Have you ever considered becoming a nurse?
I’ve never considered becoming a nurse myself, but I have a newfound appreciation for nurses ever since I started working at RVNA.

What do you love to do when you’re not working?
When I’m not working I enjoy spending time with my family, my dog, and friends. I also enjoy playing sports and doing other activities like hiking, kayaking, and going to the gym.

What is your hidden talent?
I have no hidden talent I can think of. LOL.

What would you do if you won the lottery?
If I won the lottery I would definitely travel all over the world, meet new people and places, discover new cultures and food.  Also, I would buy my parents a new home in Ecuador so they could retire.

Do you have a favorite RVNAhealth moment or story?
My favorite moment at RVNAhealth was when I was officially introduced as a member of the RVNAhealth family at one of the Agency meetings and I received a standing ovation from everyone that attended. It was definitely very humbling.

Meet the Care Coordination Team

We all know the frustration of calling a company for help, only to be transferred from person to person to person. Or worse, never reaching a live body at all.  At RVNA, that’s not OK.

“Our goal is to give our customers the help and guidance they need — right from the first phone call, or as soon as they walk in the door,” says Melissa Woodhouse, RRT, MOT, OTR/L, CDP, manager of RVNA’s centralized Care Coordination Department.  Woodhouse’s team fields calls from potential patients and family members, doctors, hospitals, and assisted living or rehab facilities, always with the same end goal:  helping patients get the services they need.

“Often, when people contact us or come to us,” says Woodhouse, “they don’t really know what they need. Health care services and terminology can be very confusing. Our job is to listen to their concerns, gather the clinical information we need, and talk over what we can do to help.”

The Care Coordination Department represents all of RVNA’s services – in-home nursing and therapy services, onsite physical therapy and rehabilitation (Rehab by RVNA), and non-medical home care (HomeCare by RVNA) – so customers don’t have to make multiple phone calls to get what they need.

“It’s not unusual for patients to come to us needing several RVNAhealth services,” Woodhouse explains. “We’re able to line up just the right services to address their concerns.” RVNAhealth care coordinators are also able to help people navigate the often-complicated requirements of insurance coverage, a much-appreciated service.

RVNA’s Care Coordination team currently has six members: manager Melissa Woodhouse, RRT, MOT, OTR/L, CDP; Randie Cooper, Kendall Krafick, and Courtney Mead, who work the phones; and receptionists Norma Losito and Nancy Verses, who take the time to ensure that all RVNAhealth callers and walk-ins get to the right place.

Among the six of them, the team has a breadth of experience that encompasses home health, rehabilitation services, home care, administrative services, and even work in a skilled nursing facility. This collective expertise and insight makes them especially qualified for their roles.

Woodhouse, a former EMT, and respiratory and occupational therapist (OT), started at RVNAhealth in 2014 as an in-home OT before being promoted to a Rehab Manager. When the Care Coordination role came up, she saw it as a great opportunity to help people on multiple levels. “I loved the idea of getting people the care they need while also assuring they have the best possible experience with RVNA,” she says. Both Krafick and Mead worked as CNAs (certified nursing assistants) before joining RVNA, and Cooper started in Homecare by RVNA. Losito and Verses have been at RVNAhealth for 6 and 4 years respectively, and bring a wealth of administrative experience to their roles.

Though the mission of the Care Coordination team is no small task, Woodhouse sums it up simply. “When you know you’ve helped someone and gotten them the services they need, there’s nothing more gratifying.”