Living LOUD
1st & 3rd Tuesday of every month 11:45am – 12:45pm
RVNAhealth, 27 Governor Street, Ridgefield
$30 per drop in class
Living LOUD tackles the soft voice, mumbled speech, monotone speech and hoarse voice that often afflict Parkinson’s patients. Structured activities that continue to work the patient’s vocal range maintain the progress made after the LSVT LOUD treatment. Weekly activities will include group work as well as individual exercises with other participants facilitated by an LSVT LOUD speech therapist. The ultimate goal is to improve loudness, improve speech intelligibility, increase facial expression, and improve confidence.
Cost is $30 per class and we do not require a registration for each class, but please call our office 203.438.7862 or email ( before attending your first class so that we can discuss your specific needs.