Youth Volunteers
RVNAhealth welcomes volunteers of all ages. We generally cannot allow youth under the age of 18 to have direct patient contact, but there are still many ways to get involved with our agency and make a difference. Below are some ideas to support RVNAhealth as we care for our homebound patients.

Collect Donations or Coordinate a Food Drive
The RVNAhealth Food Pantry is used to support home-bound patients who have limited access or limited ability to get to the store on their own. RVNAhealth clinicians and aides deliver the food and other items when they visit their patients at their home. View suggested items to donate.
Create Holiday Cards
Nothing brightens the days of homebound seniors like handmade greeting cards. Cards are especially appreciated at holidays, birthdays and in times of illness.
Make No-Sew Blankets
Homemade blanket help to keep patients warm, cozy, and most of all feeling loved. Ask us for our handout with instructions to make fleece tie blankets! Instructional videos (like this one) can also be found online.
Assemble Gift Bags/Care Packages
Small gifts are a nice way to remind people that someone cares for them. Many of our patients are going through challenging times as they recover from surgery or illness. A gift is an easy way to put a smile on their face.
Host a Fundraiser
As a nonprofit, RVNAhealth relies on donations from the community. Set up a lemonade stand, host a bake sale, sell crafts… get creative!
Connect With Senior Citizens in Your Neighborhood
Visit with an elderly neighbor; play a card game, work on a puzzle, have them teach you to knit, cook, sew. Help them with yard work; water the garden, pull weeds, mow the lawn, rake leaves, pick up sticks. Help with chores; bring in groceries, bring out their garbage, bring their mail to the door, walk their dogs.

Individuals may volunteer in our Ridgefield, CT office or in any of the towns where we provide care.
For more information about volunteering, please complete the Volunteer Inquiry Form, and a Volunteer Coordinator will contact you.