Autumn Dinner 2022 Sponsors

RVNAhealth is grateful to our sponsors, as well as our local contributors, for their ongoing support and contributions. Their generosity and vision enable RVNAhealth to fulfill our mission and enrich the lives of the communities and individuals we serve.


Bill Lichtenberger


Nancy and Larry Bossidy

Eileen and Jay Walker


Eileen and Allan Linke

Donna and Joe Pastore, Pastore LLC

Gary and Susie Singer


BMW of Ridgefield

The Donnelly Family

Elizabeth Murray Ellis

Liz and Steven Goldstone

Harvey and Starr Herscovitch

Christopher & Mary Joyce

Meadow Ridge

Savings Bank of Danbury

Wilton Meadows and The Greens at Cannondale


Adam Broderick Salon & Spa

Lori and John Berisford

Jill Bornstein, Upnext Leadership Coaching

Megan and Chris Couri

Elaine and Kevin Cox

Cramer & Anderson, LLP


Lawn Doctor

Philip and Christine Lodewick

Theresa and Dean Miller

Glori and Adam Norwitt

Dan and Annette O’Brien

On The Mend

John and Joanne Patrick

Pullman & Comley, LLC

Rodier Flowers

Stephen and Patricia Ross

SimiTree Healthcare Consultants

Allison and Jon Stockel

The Tazza Rountos Group at Morgan Stanley

Union Saving Bank

Lisa & Peter Vanderminden

Rich and Carol Vazzana

Bill and Barbara Wyman