Jessica Franca, Physical Therapist at RVNAhealth

Jessica Franca, DPT, CMP, AIB-VRC

Physical Therapist

A full-time staff physical therapist with the RVNAhealth Rehabilitation and Wellness Center, Jessica has worked in the outpatient physical therapy setting since graduating from Quinnipiac University’s Doctor of Physical Therapy program in 2012.

Since 2012, she has become certified in the Mulligan Technique and in the American Institute of Balance Vestibular Rehabilitation and Concussion Treatment. She also has training in the McKenzie Method, the Graston Technique, and the Kinesio Taping Method. Her focus is primarily in adult and adolescent orthopedic injuries as well as vestibular disorders.

She currently lives in Ridgefield, CT with her husband, two children, and their dog, and enjoys traveling as much as possible. She is also fluent in Portuguese and is proficient in Spanish, allowing her to communicate with patients with limited English proficiency.