RVNAhealth Bereavement and Emotional Support​

“Bereavement support is not to help you move on from your loss, but instead learn how to move forward with it”

Our care does not stop after your loved one has died. Grief is the physical and emotional response to a significant loss and bereavement is the state of being in grief. Comfortwell Hospice families are eligible to receive 13 months of bereavement support after the death of their loved one at no cost. Our bereavement team of social workers and chaplains are here for you as you navigate the next phase of your journey on hospice care.

What do we provide?

  • Individual, private in-person visits or calls with a member of our bereavement team
  • Monthly bereavement support small groups in Ridgefield & New Milford
  • Annual memorial service (May) recognizing all those who have passed away on Comfortwell care over the past year
  • Mailings with bereavement support information
  • Grief, Healing and the Holidays events in the Fall
  • Community presentations on Grief and Healing

If you would like more information on our bereavement support services, please contact Garrett Walkup at gwalkup@rvnahealth.org fill our the form below and Garrett will get back to you